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Recipe of Super Quick Homemade Chana Dal

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe page, if you're looking for Chana Dal recipe, look no further! We provide you only the best Chana Dal recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Chana Dal

Before you jump to Chana Dal recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Stamina Boosting Snack foods.

Ingesting healthy foods can make all the difference in the way we feel. Increasing our daily allowance of healthy foods while reducing the intake of unhealthy types plays a part in a more healthy feeling. A piece of pizza does not make you feel as healthy as ingesting a fresh green salad. This is usually a problem, nevertheless, with regards to eating between snacks. Shopping for snacks can be a struggle because you have a great number of options. There's nothing like one of these brilliant healthy foods when you really need an energy-boosting snack food.

Have a shot at eating almonds if you do not are afflicted by nut allergies. Almonds are sometimes considered a super food because they're packed full of things that help boost our vitality while keeping us healthy. Several vitamins and minerals are found in these wonderful nuts. They actually do, however, have tryptophan-the same enzyme that renders you tired after eating turkey. In the case of almonds, however, they wont cause you to long for a nap. These nuts loosen up the muscles and provide a general sense of comfort. Sometimes eating almonds can even be a mood enhancer!

You do not have to look far to discover a wide selection of healthy snacks that can be easily prepared. Determining to live a healthy life style can be as simple as you want it to be.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to chana dal recipe. To cook chana dal you need 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to cook Chana Dal:

  1. Provide 1 cup of Chana Dal.
  2. Take 1/4 tsp of cumin seeds.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of pure ghee.
  4. Provide to taste of salt.
  5. Take 1/4 tsp of red chilli powder.
  6. Use 1/3 tsp of turmeric powder.
  7. Prepare 1/4 tsp of garam masala.
  8. Use 1 of chopped onion.
  9. Prepare 2 of chopped tomatoes.
  10. Provide of as required water.

Steps to make Chana Dal:

  1. Wash & rinse the dal..
  2. Heat pure ghee in cooker & add cumin seeds. When aroma smells, add chopped onions & cook till translucent..
  3. Add all the ingredients & saute, now add chopped tomatoes & cook till they become mushy..
  4. Add dal with 1 glass of water.Cover with lid & after a whistle,slow down the flame & cook for 10 minutes..
  5. Switch off the flame & let it cool down.Open the lid & mash the dal with masher.If it is thick,add more water & boil..
  6. Serve hot..

Then temper spices in oil and puree tomatoes with garlic. Chana Dal, also known as split chickpeas, gives a nice chew to this dal recipe. Chana dal, or split chickpeas, is a dried, split pulse that plays an important part in South Asian cuisine. It is made by removing the outer layer of black chickpeas and then splitting the kernel. Instant Pot Chana Dal Recipe Video.

If you find this Chana Dal recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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